Schumann & Schubert Lieder


17/08/2017 - 24/08/2017

Snape Maltings
Aldeburgh Music
IP17 1SP
United Kingdom

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Britten–Pears Young Artist Programme
Christoph Prégardien tenor
Julius Drake piano
Richard Stokes musicologist

Christoph Prégardien is one of the world’s foremost lyric tenors, particularly revered for his work as a Lieder singer. He joins forces with one of the finest instrumentalists in his field, accompanist Julius Drake and Richard Stokes, Professor of Lieder at the Royal Academy of Music, to focus on the intricacies of German Lied. The week includes a public lecture on the life of Schumann in song illustrated with performances from the singers and pianists from the Britten–Pears Young Artist Programme.

To conclude the course the participants give a final recital, and at the start Pregardien and Drake give an early evening performance to introduce the course repertoire to participants, masterclass attenders and our Snape Proms audience alike.

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